Monday, May 21, 2012

My grandson and I go to the Atlanta Zoo. The last time we went he became very interested
in animals who are endangered. He wanted me to read all the flip charts  on the fences
in front of the animals. One of the pieces of information on the chart is the status of the
 animal. I had to explain what all the categories meant. He found it hard to believe that
animals could disappeared. He had a plan. Every animal that was endanged he decided
he was going to save. Some time after that visit to the zoo there was a story in the
newspaper about an endangered frog. I told him about it and he immediately said he
would save the frog.

My church, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Atlanta, GA has started allowing young
 children to  communion take. My grandson and I spent a morning learning, in a very fun
 way, Biblical history and how communion came about. We even practiced holding
the wafer and dipping it in the grape juice. The next day my husband, grandson,
and I went to church. When it was time for communion my grandson stepped out into
 the isle and immediately put his little hands together and kept him that way until the wafer
was put into his hand. He then took the wafer, dipping in the  wine and said mm, mm good
 and walked back to his seat.
Understanding how  learn children to read and write remains a mystery to me.However,
 watching how my grandson is learning letters and numbers, I am convinced that writing
 his letters is helping with his  ability to learn to spell words he sees all over the place- on stores, TV titles etc.