Thursday, March 1, 2012

The hiding game evolves

When Brandon was 2 he started playing the hiding game.(his parents were still married and lived with us) Whenever a family member came he would hide someplace in the living room, mostly curled up in the chair that is next to the front door. Whomever found him would cry out ,"I found you, I found you."
He would look up with a smile across his face as he was scoopped up into the finders arms. . As he got older he would call out,"you can't find me, you can't find me." He found better hiding places but there was always a telltale part of his body sticking out, his beautiful curly hair or feet. He continued to love being found. With each game he was reassured we would not forget about him. Sometime between the ages of 3 and 4 his hiding game became a true hide and seek. He counted to twenty when he was it and searched the house for the person hiding. When it was time for him to hide he was truly hidden. Whether he was hiding or someone else, he seemed to experience the great joy of the find.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of Robert Louis Stevenson's poem for which the first lines are:
    I'm hiding I'm hiding and no one knows where,
    For all they can see are my toes and my hair."

    It's the universal right of passage, methinks.
